Monday, March 5, 2012


I guided at Hill-Stead on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. It's fun on so many levels!

Thursday I was on duty with Sis, the mother of one of Ross's friends from nursery school.  Because their family lives in a neighboring town, the boys went to different elementary schools and we lost contact with them.  We recognized each other immediately--not bad for twenty years later. 

On Friday, Rene came through with a group of friends.  Ross and her middle son were in the same elementary school and played together quite often, but their family moved after 3rd grade and we lost touch with them. We recognized each other right away too!

And during Sunday's Open House, one of the "playgroup moms" came in with a group.  Gail and I sometimes run into each other around town so it hasn't been too long since we've talked.  We 4 playgroup moms still exchange Christmas cards with notes saying we should get together, and now Gail and I are determined to make that happen next month.  It's probably been 8 years since we last had lunch together--way too long.

I finally tried the video function on my camera to capture one of the wind sculptures on display at Hill-Stead, but I don't know how to turn it "right side up". Fortunately it doesn't really matter for this subject. I inadvertantly took another video as I was trying to figure out the symbols on the camera's display--you can tell the camera is being rotated while I'm walking around, almost enough to get motion sickness watching it! Maybe I should read the manual next time... 

Taxes are done and ready to be mailed to the accountant--yippee!

1 comment:

  1. I like the video. I think I remember that sculpture from my visits to Hill-Stead. I get you on the video bloopers, I have them all the time!
