Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Back to Boston!

Dawn is back in the US for a week to finish up her paperwork with the French Consulate in Boston, so Mark and I took a day trip to visit her.  We ate lunch at Centre Street Cafe in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood and stopped in at the JP Licks ice cream store where I got two mini cows to add to my "stress cow" collection!  It's pretty easy to find "stress balls" but "stress cows" are a whole different story!

The little ones were actually keychains but I cut off those pesky chains.  JP Licks said they can't even order the bigger ones anymore so I'm happy I bought the last one when we were there a couple months ago.  I used the first one so much at work that there are now cracks along the legs--definitely a very successful stress reliever!

I "suggested" that Dawn and Mark stand near the cow in the store and they humored me.

Then we walked back to Diego's apartment and loaded the very last of Dawn's stuff into our car to be stored at our home until she returns from her post-doc in Paris.  I'm wearing a scarf that she knit--looks great with the olive color of my jacket. 

Bon voyage, Dawn!  Her new job starts Monday!

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