Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Walking Kita

I think the swan has taken up residence in the lower reservoir--it's been there every time I've walked Kita for the past week.

Yesterday afternoon the high clouds and weak sunlight made the shadows softer than usual at 3:30 in the afternoon.

With a high of 58 degrees at noon today, Kita and I headed north to the part of the rails-to-trails section that borders the river.

This kind of weather makes my heart sing--the air is clear and crisp with a stiff breeze.  Kita was happy too and I had to walk as fast as I possibly could to keep up with her.

With a few exceptions, our foliage is less than spectacular this year.

Leaves are covering the driveway but some trees are still green.  Others are already bare from recent rains and wind.

Fall is still my favorite season!

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