Friday, October 7, 2011

Papaya Plants in Connecticut

Once the danger of frost had passed in late May, Mark transplanted 4 papaya plants from pots in the greenhouse to an area next to the deck.  Dawn had given us the seeds from a trip she took to Hawaii the previous year.  We weren't even sure if they would grow in the greenhouse in our climate, but by May they were nearly three feet tall.  Being tropical plants, they really enjoyed being outside during our hot, humid summer.

In fact, they were so happy outside that they doubled in size in 4 months and are now 6 feet tall!  With colder temperatures coming, we just transplanted one of the plants back into a pot and brought it into the greenhouse.  We'll have to wait and see if it survives.  I suspect it will outgrow the greenhouse before it grows big enough to bear fruit.  It's been a fun experiment growing these tropical plants in Connecticut!

1 comment:

  1. It would be so great if you got fruit... but papayas are pretty tough! They give my uncle in Maui a lot of trouble.
