Thursday, October 6, 2011

Off the Beaten Path

This morning Kita and I walked in the reservoir.  We followed a dirt road which narrowed to a footpath.  Then we walked through the woods a very short distance (all within sight of the paved road) to see this:

Hmm, it sounded and looked more impressive than this photo!

Since I'm taking more scenery shots on our walks, I think Kita might be getting more comfortable around the camera.  At least she didn't try to hide for this photo even though her ears are still down!

The reservoir in last week's photo is on the other side of this earthen dam.  It also doesn't look very impressive, but it does hold back a lot of water!  The paved road follows along the top.  With temps in the mid-fifties, Kita trotted out nicely this morning!

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