Monday, October 17, 2011

Wind Sculptures

When I stopped at the Hill-Stead Museum gift shop one day last week to buy a postcard, I ran into Sharon, my former supervisor when I was a guide there years ago.  As we caught up on what's been happening in our lives, I told her I was currently unemployed.  Next thing I knew, Sharon had me agreeing to come for today's guide training!

There is a temporary exhibit of wind sculptures on the museum grounds between the parking area and the house.  These are for sale and I think I figured out the difference between wind sculptures and whirligigs or wind spinners:  price.  These beautiful sculptures start at $800 depending upon complexity of the design and the size, and the museum receives a percentage of the sale.

This sculpture is the same design as the one on the far right in the first photo.  I love the way it changes shape as the wind blows.

This helix design has a beautiful spiraling motion in the lightest of breezes.  Hmm, maybe someday I will learn how to make a video to post on this blog so you can see it in action.

The next training session is in two weeks and Sharon sent me home with all the updated information to study.  I'm really looking forward to guiding there again even though guides are now strictly volunteers.  It's wonderful to be surrounded by beautiful art in a beautiful setting--right in our town!

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