Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mulching Done

Finally, the 3 cubic yards of bark mulch I ordered way back in June has been spread!  I wish I had thought to take a picture of the pile when it was first delivered--it filled up the parking area of our driveway that comfortably fits two cars side by side.

The pile was pretty small when I took this photo last week--a car could easily be parked next to it and still have room to get in and out without problems. 

For a long time it seemed like the more I shoveled mulch, the more the pile stayed the same!  With all the hot weather and rain we've had in the past 4 months, I have to admit that days would go by before I'd drag out my garden cart and continue mulching.  And of course I'd have to use the edging shovel on all the beds around the house before I put mulch down.

After a weekend of perfect weather and Mark shoveling mulch into the cart for me, it's done!  No more mulch!  (Until next year, that is!)

I think I need a shower and a nap...

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