Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Aftermath of Winter Storm Alfred

We lost our power on Saturday around 3 pm and it will be nothing short of a miracle if it is restored by this Saturday. At least the generator runs water, furnace, fridge and a few lights. All of route 4 from the highway through Unionville is still without power. Route 44 in Avon was just restored today. The lights at the bottom of Old Mountain Road are working but no others until you reach Lasalle Road in West Hartford center. There are lines down everywhere still and of course everyone is driving over them or else no could go anywhere. Very few gas stations have power so there are long lines and gas runs out quickly. I hope we will be able to get more gas to keep the generator running.

In our travels there is little evidence of work being done to remove trees or fix power lines, even along the few main roads that are open.

I've signed up for Internet through the cellphone system for my iPad, but the service has not been very reliable. Who knows how long it will take to get our cable Internet service back...

but we're OK and I'll eventually have some pretty spectacular photos of the storm damage to post!

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