Monday, November 28, 2011

The Traveler Returns

With the delayed departure of his flight from Hong Kong to JFK, Mark arrived home at 2 am today from the trip he and Dawn took to the 2011 World Orchid Conference.  There is a 12-hour time difference between Bangkok and Connecticut, so he wasn't really sure what time his body clock thought it might be after being in the air for so long!  I was so excited Mark was coming home that I waited up for him.

Kita woke up at 6:45 am but we were able to fall back asleep until a "wrong number" woke us at 8:30 am.  We decided to get up and try to get on a more normal schedule.  Needless to say, we're both feeling a little punchy.  It sure is wonderful to have Mark back home with me!  The view from our deck is quite different than anything he saw in Singapore, Malaysia, or Thailand.

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