Monday, November 14, 2011

"What I Did On My Vacation"

I've been thinking how local students had an unexpected "vacation" of 7-9 days due to power outages from the October snowstorm and how teachers probably made them write about their experiences when schools reopened.

I suppose it's a bit of a stretch, but then I got to thinking how being unemployed is like taking an unpaid vacation--money going out but no money coming in.  So what have I been doing during the past two weeks of my "vacation"?  Hauling brush!

The town has said it will pick up brush from the storm that is placed at the edge of the road so I have been spending several hours each day bringing it to the curb.  Or at least everything from the front half of our yard goes to the curb; everything from the back half I hauled down the hill.  The piles are five feet high and extend from the driveway almost to the property line.  Fortunately the weather has been perfect for working outside.

Next project:  getting the perennials ready for winter!

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