Sunday, November 13, 2011

Greenhouse News

We're coming to a quiet time in Mark's greenhouse as the days continue getting shorter.  It amazes me how plants can tell when the days start getting longer in January and so many start to bloom again then.

This striking orchid, Oncidium Mendenhall 'Hildos', has a flower that is 5" tall by 3" wide.

Although this air plant, Tillandsia stricta, is only 8 inches across, it has a multitude of flowers.  The blooms always make me think of fireworks the way they shoot off in all directions from the plant's center.

The flowers of this species orchid, Dendrobium anceps, have petals that are delicately tinged with purple.  They're approximately 2" x 2" in size.

I sure do appreciate Mark's hobby!  Hope you have time to do something you really enjoy today!

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