Friday, November 11, 2011

Fabulous Friday

I am certainly blessed to have some really special people in my life and I was fortunate to spend time with them today.

This morning Ann and I met at our usual Dunkin Donuts.  We originally planned to spend more time together since it is Veterans Day and Ann was supposed to have the day off, but the recent snowstorm changed those plans because our local schools were in session today to make up one of the days that was missed due to the power outages.  We were happy to be able to squeeze in breakfast together before she left for work!

Dorine invited me over for dinner, and what a wonderful meal she prepared!  Warm rolls fresh from the oven, a tasty pork roast stuffed with spinach and Italian sausage, mashed potatoes, stuffed tomatoes, and salad made a sumptuous feast.  And dessert was her homemade crumb cake served with hot cocoa!  Of course the best part was spending time with her and her loving family in their welcoming home.  She's lucky I didn't think to bring my sleeping bag because I could have just settled in for the night!

May the caring of true friends make your life a little easier.

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