Saturday, November 5, 2011

No Power...No Progress

Our little road is still one lane with broken power lines and cables just laying in the street. Trees are leaning on the lines that haven't broken and no vehicle taller than an SUV could fit under the propped-up wires.

On the plus side, the generator works beautifully and we go out for one nice hot meal each day. Enough gas stations have power that it is easier to get gas for the generator now without having to wait in lines. And the cellular data service for my iPad has improved somewhat too!

On my way home Thursday I saw the first utility truck in our area...Mark thought I may have been hallucinating! I must admit it felt a little like seeing Bigfoot!

The utility company still estimates than power will be restored to 99 percent of their customers by midnight Sunday. I like to be optimistic but I have a sinking feeling that we will be in the unlucky 1%...with only 15 or so houses I don't think our road will be a priority. Let's hope I'm wrong!

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