Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sunday in Sturbridge

Last Sunday we drove to Sturbridge to meet Ross, Malima, and Malima's sister Violetta at The Publick House.  I think I've eaten there only a couple of times in the past but I love this old historical building.  We wanted to spend some time with Malima before her move to Milan and this was a good halfway meeting place.  After a delicious lunch and lively conversation, we headed outside to take photos.

The late afternoon sun presented some photographic challenges with shadows from nearby trees and then flash being too bright.

Being there reminded me of all the wonderful trips I've taken to Old Sturbridge Village over the years.  Even as a young child, I found the Village to be a charming and peaceful place to visit.  I just loved the idea of life in the 1830s, not realizing until much later that it was being presented as a highly sanitized ideal in a living history museum.  Maybe I can convince one of my friends to go there on a road trip with me soon!

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